Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Body Fat Solution - Review of Tom Venuto's Ebook

Tom Venuto is one of the famous writer and author of the blog world for many years. He is the author of a reliable and experienced in the virtual world specifically for writing about the weight loss program. He is very skilled in how to manage your weight and reduce body fat. Also, before becoming a writer he was a successful bodybuilder who managed to find out how to reduce body fat. The book (Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle) has been a bestseller for several years.

Attitudes and Beliefs and How to Change Them

This book consists of 12 chapters, including appendices, including a useful appendix on recommended foods.

In the first chapter discusses the myths surrounding the fat body and the accumulation and reduction of body fat. In the next three chapters will discuss the motivation, emotions, goal setting and success-oriented techniques and the most often omitted in some book or other

weight loss program is the approach used in weight management. In this book Tom Venuto explained it well. 

Nutrition and Diet 

Tom proposed practical recommendations for weight loss is a natural, physical activity and nutrition. Venuto does not use the term "diet" for any reason. The term "diet" means changing a temporary your eating patterns . It is not useful to do in the long run unless you want to change your lifestyle permanently. It is emphasized throughout the book along with the need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight. Tom Venuto will explain how to do that by using a logical approach.

In the nutrition section he lists the "Ten Body Fat Solution Nutrition Rules." I like most of these, which emphasize high-fiber, lean-protein eating with adequate whole-grain carbohydrate and starches, concentrating on whole and natural foods. Although I have no major disagreement, my tendency is to emphasize lower fat consumption as well -- especially saturated fat -- rather than overly targeting carbohydrates in very active people. Although whole-grain carbohydrates are energy dense, they are also nutrient dense, which is important when cutting calories. Venuto does have a plan for this and he calls it the X-factor. 

Venuto, quoting successful weight losers in the National Weight Control Registry, shows that the most successful losers eat a diet of 20 to 30% fat. (Many come in at about 25% total calories from fat, which I consider about ideal.) The successful weight losers and maintainers also did a lot of exercise. There is no risk of being deficient in essential fatty acids down to around 20% fat, although omega-3 intake needs to be assured. 

A Total Solution to Weight Management 

The full title with byline is: The Body Fat Solution: 5 Principles for Burning Fat, Building Lean Muscle, Ending Emotional Eating, and Maintaining Your Perfect Weight.

Two things I liked about the book Tom Venuto is :

  • Tom Venuto has been providing total solutions to any weight loss program are comprehensive, emotional factors and motivation, diet and nutrition, exercise and physical activity, and long-term planning. 
  • Venuto also has a sharp mind with the ability to cut through the plethora of junk science and irrelevancies that plague the weight loss "industry." He sees the kernels of truth in the morass and explains them well in comprehensive yet plain language. His chapter on "body fat myths" is required reading for anyone trying to lose weight. 

Exercise, Maintenance and Long-Term Success 

In chapter 7 and chapter 8 in this book will explain how combining aerobics and weight training or cardio exercise is the best combination that is used for weight loss. Examples of the type of weight training are described in this book. It really is a no-brainer and he describes it beautifully -- in contrast to some other fat loss trainers who think it should be done with weights alone. His way is better and makes sense for cardiovascular health as well as weight loss.

Besides that, Tom Venuto has the concept of NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), which is essentially, explains the concept of physical activity to do when you're not doing formal exercise, such as when you're shopping, doing housework, gardening, and others. However, such activity is very effective for weight loss. 

In the final chapters, the book emphasizes the importance of maintaining exercise and nutrition habits with planning and a social support network for long-term success.
Overall, it's the best practical weight-loss book I've read because it has a good scientific base, is comprehensive and practical, and doesn't bog down in too much extraneous detail. You get the feeling much of this information is steeped in practical experience and long-term implementation and experimentation. I highly recommend The Body Fat Solution by Tom Venuto.

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